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"What I Can Imagine, I Can Achieve!"  

One Child, One Family At A Time

I Think I Am Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We develop educational programs, curriculum, and platforms to assist children and families associated with adoption/foster care systems, as well as other at risk youth and families.


Our programs address reading and financial literacy, health and fitness, life skills, family dynamics and more! Our goal is to help children and families to develop positive belief patterns to improve their self-image, self-worth and self-actualization! We believe you are what you think!




I Think I Am Foundation is fortunate to have the support of our wonderful community. You can do your part to help. Whether volunteering, participating in a fundraising event, or making a donation below, your support is greatly appreciated. Proceeds help benefit adopted/foster care children and at-risk youth and families.


501(c)(3) documentation is provided upon request. All donations are tax deductible.






The Foundation’s mission is to develop educational programs, curriculum, and platforms that will educate individuals affiliated directly or indirectly with adoption/foster care systems, substance abuse programs, life-threatening health-related scenarios, at-risk youth development, and low-income community support and educational development. The overall programmatic philosophy is to:


      » Promote the importance of maintaining positive thinking patterns and beliefs;
      » Foster sustainable training initiatives that require participants to unleash the unlimited potential and power contained in 

         their words and locked in their thoughts;
      » Challenge participants to apply themselves to create what eventually they will become and or achieve


Furthermore, we will encourage students to become self-confident learners through applied knowledge and hands-on learning to encourage critical and creative thinking, problem solving, decision-making, cooperative skills, and ownership of essential technology tools to advance knowledge.



The Foundation’s vision is to nurture the way young people perceive themselves and their environment through maintaining sustainable positive belief patterns. The application of positive thinking will promote and assure better focus on his/her goals, dreams, and aspirations. The Foundation will engage children, parents, and guardians who ultimately have day-to-day responsibility and influence.


It is the belief that by engaging the family, public school system, and the community, our children will be more successful in school, sports, and other extracurricular activities, leading to more successful lives. You are what you think!



» Safety and a structured caring environment that is nurturing and supportive by promoting participant self-worth.
» Sense of belonging and membership in a close-knit environment by advocating respect and appreciation for

» Independence and control of participant’s own learning that is guided by self-awareness and the ability to succeed

   and mature as independent proactive learners


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